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“Mum!   Mum — there’s an alien in my room!” little Lee wailed.   “Yes dear,” his loving Mum replied.   “That’s your special LED nightlight — the one with the hi–tech space–craft lighting that stays cool to touch, has totally fun images and designs that light up when it’s switched on and best of all, it only costs $4.50 in power for the whole year.   With that sort of exceptional value for money, we can afford to keep it turned on all the time to scare away the boogey–man, so you don’t have to hide under the bed anymore.”

Thanks to his alien nightlight Lee was never scared of the dark again.   That was in the year 2006, a very very long time ago now and from that day on, Lee loved everything to do with space, with aliens and with rocketships.   These days little Lee is all grown up, an astronaut, with a young son of his own, Lee Jnr.   And guess what?   Next to the teddies, the soft–toy tiger and mini radio on the bedside table, little Lee Jnr has his own nightlight — Lee’s Room (complete with planes, trains and automobiles) standing proudly next to his favourite, built to last, hand–me–down keepsake.   Yep, you guessed it — Dad’s alien!   And so the legacy goes on…

Traditional nightlights were often small, insignificant, bare or scantly clad light bulbs valued predominantly for their functional virtues of dim lighting and minimal intrusion into the design features of a home or business.   With EOTR’s c D–Light™s, nightlights are now a design feature in their own respect.   Whether it’s an alien, a sign that announces Lee’s Room, beautiful photos of your gorgeous (cheeky) little girl, her dolls, the precious family pet, a special reproduction of your angel’s newest Kinda artwork, landscape photography or even a business logo or corporate message, the design impact of your nightlight is now up to you through the selection of appropriate Moods Inscape and LED colour of your c D–Light™.   What you can be assured of is that these nightlights offer peace of mind.   Environmentally friendly, their high efficiency — low power relationship means you waste neither dollars nor resources.   What’s more, with LED’s that do not fail like regular light bulbs, expect a reliable, subtle glow night after night.   For the long term.

Use them:–

  • On the bedside table to chase away childrens’ fear of the dark.
  • Special keepsake memories on the dresser — a child, a wedding, a loved one who has passed away.
  • Above baby’s bed, bright enough to check on Bubs, gentle enough not to wake him up.
  • A convenient light for guests to orient themselves with.
  • The front entry.   Welcoming visitors.   Or pizza delivery men.
  • To safely negotiate the hallway on those nightly trips to the bathroom.
  • The ideal lamp for bookworms who just have to finish that can’t–put–it–down thrilling chapter.
  • For a small occasional table in the lounge or dining room when intimate lighting is called for.
  • Casting a comforting gentle glow in any room, for any occasion.
  • For fun.
  • In the kitchen whilst sneaking a midnight snack or preparing a cuppa in ad breaks.
  • A safe, cool light source that can confidently be left switched on to fool the burglars.
  • Walking from room to room without bumping into furniture or waking the rest of the household.
  • Incorporating avant–garde thinking in interior design.
  • Subtle business advertising in strategic places throughout dim buildings and shops.
  • Satisfying minimal lighting needs in office buildings for staff members leaving the office late.
  • For overnight security during guards’ regular patrol.
  • Maintaining an overnight shopfront presence without breaking the bank.   Because c D–Light™s won’t cost you the earth to run — less than half a cent in power a night!
  • For wherever you’d use a traditional nightlight.
  • And, for all those nightlight uses you’ve yet to dream up…

EOTR’s c D–Light™ nightlight.   The right light.


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